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Bachelors of Arts in Psychology 


NASM Certified Personal Trainer (CPT)


NASM Fitness Nutrition Specialist (FNS)


Resistance Training Specialist (RTS)


NASM Corrective Exercise Specialist (CES)


NASM Performance Enhancement Specialist (PES)


Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT)


Lymph Drainage Therapy Level 1 (LDT 1)

I have a wild belief that the body isn't ever broken; it just needs

proper maintenance. I believe in the body's innate intelligence

and incredible capacity to heal itself when given the right

support. My job is to facilitate that healing process by freeing

up the physical interference that affects the body's natural state

of alignment.

My journey into wellness began with a persistent interest in

corrective work within the fitness field. As a personal trainer and

corrective exercise specialist, I became obsessed with seeking

out effective solutions for my clients' painful muscle imbalances.

This drive led me to pursue a license in massage therapy, where I learned to integrate therapeutic bodywork with corrective exercise. This combination has deepened my understanding of the body’s interconnected systems and enhanced my ability to address a wide range of physical limitations. I am dedicated to continually learning and refining my techniques to provide care that alleviates pain, corrects imbalances, and restores natural alignment, ensuring both immediate relief and long-term wellness for my clients.

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